December 10, 2008 (updates in RED)
Contacts: Bonnie Barton, Paw Country
"Yes Fluffythere IS a Santa Claus"
In an effort to feed hungry and homeless pets over the holidays, Paw Country, a locally owned holistic pet food store in La Mesa, is teaming up with several pet food distributors to host their Second Annual Holiday Pet Food & Toy Drive. Last year's drive brought in more than 500 pounds of food for local nonprofit rescue organizations. So far, this year has brought in 5,000 pounds of food!
"There are always dozens of organizations that collect toys for children, and food for the poor over the holidays, but this is the only local food drive to benefit the pets...the silent victims of this economy," says Darlene White, Executive Director for the San Diego Animal Support Foundation. "With all the seasonal fundraisers that are happening, it's easy to forget that there are people out there that can't afford to feed their dogs and cats...and we're a culture that considers pets part of the family."
The tax-deductible donations will be given to the San Diego Animal Support Foundation (SDASF), and distributed to dozens of needy animal rescue agencies and foster homes over the holidays. Additionally, people who can show that they are struggling to feed their pets due to economic hardship will be offered pet food, so that their animals won't go hungry over the holidays, or be taken to a shelter.
"When it comes to animals, no donation can be too small," says Bonnie Barton, of Paw Country. "One squeaky toy will mean the world to a lonely dog that has been left behind by her family". Locally owned Paw Country, has historically been involved in the rescue community. With their dedicated clients and distributors, they have been generous donors of high-quality holistic food to local nonprofit organizations throughout the years.
Food & toys can be dropped off at the La Mesa store, or purchased at the store for a 20% discount. The holistic store sells only nutritious and safe food, treats and supplements, as well as toys, books, humane collars and other items. Paw Country is located in the Lake Murray Village shopping center on Lake Murray Blvd. and is open Monday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. |